Dog Barks While Riding in the Car

Some dogs bark in the car when they are scared or agitated by the view out the window, traffic sounds, or people on motorcycles, skateboards, or simply walking close to the car. Some dogs are fine in the car but would start barking when rolled up to a junk food take-out window.
The dog would bark and continue until they pulled away from the window, at which point it would quickly return to normal. If you travel with more than one dog, one dog’s excitement will cause the other dog to bark.
There is some good news.
In the case of the dog and the junk food window, we were able to determine the root cause (fear) induced by the individual at the fast-food window and collaborated with the dog to fix the issue. But what if you don’t know what’s causing the problem? The encouraging news is that sound training principles and procedures can change the condition without determining the exact trigger.
The “When” is important.
Where is your dog as you’re driving? The front line? Is that your lap? Dogs who are allowed to roam in a vehicle will pass the time by staring out the windshield and barking at objects while you drive. This lure is just too great for some pets, and staring out the window of a moving vehicle will cause them to get very agitated.
Many dog owners choose to carry their pets in a crate, doggie car seat, or at the very least, a seat belt intended to fit with the dog’s leash and or neck. A well-secured “soft” crate offers a stable and convenient place for a dog to travel while still preventing them from being too curious (or afraid) of the scenery. If a crate is not a choice, there are some decent seat belt options on the market.
Window tinting shades could be an alternative for reducing your dog’s visibility from the side windows. It’s also a good idea to strap a dog in the back seat since passenger airbags pose the same danger to pets as they do to young children.
If your dog is afraid of riding in a car, you must show him that car trips are enjoyable. Since it is not natural for dogs to travel in vehicles, not all dogs like them. Begin slowly and reward your dog for being the first to get into the taxi. Give your dog a food-stuffed treat to lick until he’s inside his crate, then close the car doors and start the motor when you’re in the driver’s seat.
At first, don’t go anywhere; instead, teach your dog that cars cause peanut butter fluffy toys to appear. Switch off the engine and unload the dog after a few minutes. Practice at least three days a week. When your dog is happy to rest and lick at his treats, it’s time to go on a stroll around the neighborhood. Continue to increase the distance and time spent commuting, and still carry food-stuffed toys with you. This shows the dog that positive stuff happens while he drives in the taxi.
This is a typical trait in dogs that are frightened, nauseous, or inexperienced with car rides. Dogs should sit in plastic crates or by wearing a crash-tested leash. First and foremost, ensure that your dog feels at ease. Make sure your dog has enough room inside your vehicle to lay back, get up, and turn around.
Provide plenty of cold water and a comfortable bed or heavy sheets in your dog’s crate or car seat. To keep your dog happy, play soft music, such as From A Dog’s Ear. If your dog is experiencing motion sickness, you can fix it right away. Take short car trips as your dog licks a crazy yummy food stuffed toy, and your dog will soon enjoy car drives.
Motion Sickness
The worst kind of nausea is that you can’t get away from the source. In dogs, motion sickness is very common. It’s safer to treat it with over-the-counter medications like Dramamine and Bonine. Consult the doctor for the proper prescription based on your dog’s age and weight. Maintain a cool temperature in your vehicle and place an AC vent near your dog. Once motion sickness has been overcome, it is time to begin doing quick car trips and plenty of rewards, such that your dog looks forward to traveling in a car.
Following that, what is there to be done?
What would you do to keep your dog’s attention away from the fun and scary stuff going on outside the car window? The only solution is to find something better for Fluffy to do. A Kong, a Rawhide handle, a Yak stick, or simply a favorite toy would keep your dog entertained.
Dog Training Suggestions to Minimize Barking
Did you know you might be encouraging your dog’s barking? If you constantly yell “quiet!” or “no!” as your dog barks, you might be celebrating the action rather than punishing it. Furthermore, if you let your dog out of the car when he or she is already barking, your dog will believe that my owner may stop and let me out if I bark long enough. It will have a huge effect if you remain consistent in enforcing silence before letting your dog out of the vehicle.
It is reasonably simple to train the dog not to bark in the vehicle. You’ll need to figure out why he barks before you can do something about it. You’ll need to take a few steps to keep him relaxed and subdued in the vehicle. To teach him to be still, you’ll even need to use obedience orders.
If he’s a puppy, his brain can be malleable, and signs can be visible as early as a week. If he is older and has had this loud habit for a long time, it can take up to three weeks to completely break the habit. You would be able to drive comfortably if you trained him to be silent. You won’t be bothered by your barking dog, and you’ll be able to focus on the lane.
Example of Training: Place your dog in the back seat of your car using a crate, car seat, or seat belt. Give your dog a treat before starting the engine; dogs cannot bark and consume a treat simultaneously. Say, “Good Quiet,” as the dog takes the reward.
Run the car engine now. If the dog is barking, step out of the vehicle and deliver another reward. As the dog accepts the treat, suggest, “Good Quiet.” Return to the driver’s seat to do it all. Do this until your dog is still as you start the engine. Practice these steps in parking lots such as drug stores, dog parks, and home depots before the dog learns to be quiet in the vehicle.